
Phonics in Infant Education

Hello everyone!

Today we are going to show you a little bit about how we work phonics in early ages. 

We love teaching phonics by using songs and stories: we like singing Jolly Phonics songs (they are available online at Youtube) and also watching and singing Alphablocks, that are small letters and pictures made by the BBC. 

Besides, we've got many stories and tales to work phonics little by little, increasing the level in different stages. Those which we use at school are from the PEARSON collection.

Students love working phonics, for sure ;)

Another day we will emphasize in how we work it more carefully.

Thank you again for passing by, and enjoy your weekend.

- The Baladre English Team.

Learn more at: 




Photo Credits: Alphablocks by the BBC.

2 comentaris:

  1. Not only children but also teachers! They're a great resource for teaching literacy!
